Degree: Master of Science (M.Sc.)

Regular program length: 4 semester (full-time program)

Credit points (ECTS): 120 credit points

Language of instruction: German; selected study variants in English

Limited capacity:
First semester: no
Higher semester: no
Application possible for:
First semester: winter and summer term
Higher semester: winter and summer term
Application deadline:
German and EU nationals
First semester: September 30 for winter term, March 31 for summer term
Higher semester: September 30 for winter term, March 31 for summer term
Non-EU nationals
First semester: July 15 for winter term, January 15 for summer term
Higher semester: July 15 for winter term, January 15 for summer term

Degree and duration

Regular program length of 2 years leading to a "Master of Science (M.Sc.)" degree; 120 credit points (corresponding to the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System - ECTS) must be completed. Individual prorgram length may differ from regular program length.


Der Masterstudiengang Maschinenbau lässt viel Raum für individuelle Gestaltung. Neben allgemein verbindlichen Modulen im Umfang von 20 Leistungspunkten (ECTS) gibt es einen Wahlbereich aus Maschinenbau und weiteren Disziplinen (28 LP) sowie eine Vertiefungsrichtung (40 LP). Dazu kommen überfachliche Qualifikationen (2 LP) und die Masterarbeit mit 30 LP. Die Verteilung der Inhalte auf die einzelnen Semester ist nicht vorgegeben. Als Vertiefungsrichtung kannst du eine von folgenden wählen.

  • Allgemeiner Maschinenbau
  • Energie- und Umwelttechnik
  • Fahrzeugtechnik
  • Mechatronik und Mikrosystemtechnik
  • Produktentwicklung und Konstruktion
  • Produktionstechnik
  • Theoretischer Maschinenbau
  • Werkstoffe und Strukturen für Hochleistungssysteme.

Innerhalb der Vertiefungsrichtung werden ein Wahlpflichtmodul „Grundlagen und Methoden der Vertiefungsrichtung“ und zwei Schwerpunkte im Umfang von je 16 Leistungspunkten (ECTS) gewählt.

Graduates of the Master's degree program in mechanical engineering at KIT are able to participate independently in value-added processes in engineering and contribute through their research-oriented education to science. They are especially qualified for a responsible position in industry, science, and technical services and acquire qualifications that allow pursuing doctoral studies.

Graduates acquire broad and in-depth knowledge of engineering fundamentals. This is ensured by a compulsory area, which includes mathematical methods of engineering, modeling and simulation as well as the processes of product development. As a result, they are able to deal independently with the state of research and to further refine methods. They can develop, evaluate, and interpret comprehensive and interdisciplinary simulation studies. From their understanding of market demand and value-added processes, they are able to develop products of mechanical engineering. The methods and practices that are used can be reflected and adapted to changing conditions in order to optimize the own approach.

In the specialization area, consisting of two major fields and associated lectures, graduates acquire the essential knowledge, how to transfer the general fundamentals into concrete issues of mechanical engineering. Thus, they are qualified to play an important role in complex research and development projects as well as to participate competently in the innovation process and are professionally prepared for future leadership roles.

In other natural sciences, economics, and social sciences related lectures, students acquire further skills. Thereby they are, inter alia, in a position to make well thought out decisions, taking into account social, economic, and ethical constraints. 

Graduates of the Master's program in mechanical engineering at KIT have broad and in-depth knowledge. This solid foundation enables them to analyze and synthesize complex systems. They can also develop, reflect, evaluate, and shape independently and sustainably systems and processes of mechanical engineering, taking into account technical, social, economic, and ethical constraints. They deal constructively with their own, with others’ views, and present their work results in an understandable form. Graduates are able to independently identify tasks, to obtain the information necessary to their solution, to select methods, to acquire skills and thus to contribute to added value. They are in a position to choose a concrete occupational area of mechanical engineering.

Excerpt from the diploma supplement of the study program

Der Masterstudiengang Maschinenbau vermittelt Einblick in aktuelle Technologien, ein vertieftes Verständnis der fachlichen Inhalte und eine anwendungsbezogene Spezialisierung. Nach dem Masterabschluss bieten sich dir Einstiegsmöglichkeiten in verschiedenste Branchen, wie Fahrzeugtechnologie, Spezialmaschinen- und Anlagenbau, Kraftwerkstechnik, Produktionstechnik, intelligente Automation oder Werkstofftechnik. Die Aufgaben erstrecken sich von Forschung und Entwicklung über Projektleitung, Qualitätsmanagement, Aufbau und Inbetriebnahme, Produktionsleitung bis hin zu Beratung und Vertrieb.

Wer einen guten Masterabschluss hat, kann sich um eine Promotion bemühen und später als „Dr.-lng.“ in Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft gehobene Positionen anstreben.

  • Breites Lehrangebot, viele Wahlmöglichkeiten
  • Forschungsorientierte Lehre
  • International vernetzt (CLUSTER, CESAER, EUCOR…)
  • Doppelabschlussprogramme mit Hochschulen in Südkorea, China und Argentinien
  • Unterstützung bei Gründungsvorhaben (Gründerschmiede, Pioniergarage)
  • Zahlreiche Hochschulgruppen für alle Interessen

Admission requirements

A bachelor's degree in either engineering or natural sciences or at least an equivalent degree whose modules correspond in content and scope to those of the KIT bachelor's degree, as well as 12 weeks of industrial internship (see admission regulations).

Language skills necessary for international applicants

Applicants without university entrance qualifications awarded by a German-speaking secondary school need to submit proof of the following language skill:

  • German language skills: for application, skills of at least B1-level are necessary. All certificates are accepted; a certificate of attendance of a B1-level course is sufficient. For enrollment, a DSH2 certificate or equivalent needs to be presented.
  • or English language skills of at least B2-level, e.g. proven by Test of English as Foreign Language (TOEFL) with a score of at least 90 points in the internet-based test or equivalent. Proof of English language skills is not required for applicants who
    • have completed a degree program at a university with English as the sole language of instruction
    • have attended at least 5 years of English language classes in secondary school, can provide a higher education entrance qualification and have received minimum grades of 4 (sufficient, D) or at least 5 points in the last two school years of these English language classes.
  • Can proof of sufficient knowledge of the English or German language not be provided until the end of the application deadline, admission can be granted under the provision that one of the above-mentioned certificates of either the English or the German language will be provided during enrollment.

Contact the International Students Office for additional information.

In diesem Studiengang findet zur Bewerbungsphase für das Wintersemester 2024/25 am 10. September 2024 eine Aufnahmeprüfung statt.

Was heißt das für Bewerber*innen?

Bewerber*innen, die die nach §7 der Zugangssatzung geforderten Mindestkenntnisse und Mindestleistungen nicht nachweisen können, erhalten alternativ die Möglichkeit, die erforderlichen Fähigkeiten durch das Bestehen der Aufnahmeprüfung nachzuweisen.

Die Prüfungsmodalitäten werden per Einladung zur Prüfung bekanntgegeben. Die Anmeldung zur Teilnahme an der Prüfung ist vom 01. August bis 01. September 2024 möglich.

Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie bei InSL.

Application for the 1st semester

Application portal for summer term
opens December 01, 2024.

Application for a higher semester

Application portal for summer term
opens December 01, 2024.
Karin Schmurr
Student advisor
Student advisory services (ZSB)

+49 721 608 - 44930Karin Schmurr does-not-exist.kit edu


Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Zentrale Studienberatung (ZSB)
Engelbert-Arnold-Str. 2
76131 Karlsruhe



+49 721 608 - 82222


Contacts for students

Contacts for applicants


Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Kaiserstr. 12
76131 Karlsruhe


Business hours

International Students Office
First point of contact for international applicants

+49 721 608 - 44911

Contact form


Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
International Students Office (IStO)
Adenauerring 2
76131 Karlsruhe

Current studies and examination regulations Mechanical Engineering M.Sc.
Titel Stand Download
30.03.2023, veröffentlicht 30.03.2023


20.05.2022, veröffentlicht 20.05.2022


28.03.2022, veröffentlicht 28.03.2022


04.09.2020, veröffentlicht 04.09.2020


26.02.2019, veröffentlicht 26.02.2019


06.08.2015, veröffentlicht 06.08.2015


WT 2024/25

10-21-2024 to 02-15-2025

ST 2025

04-22-2025 to 08-02-2025

WT 2025/26

10-27-2025 to 02-21-2026

ST 2026

04-20-2026 to 08-01-2026

WT 2026/27

10-26-2026 to 02-20-2027

ST 2027

04-19-2027 to 07-31-2027

WT 2027/28

10-25-2027 to 02-19-2028

ST 2028

04-18-2028 to 07-29-2028

Lectures will not take place:
  • From 12-24 to 01-06
  • the week after Pentecost
  • on all public holidays in the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg